Clinics We Offer

General Health & Wellbeing
- We offer NHS Health Checks to patients between the ages of 40-74 to help prevent diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, strokes and dementia.
- For patients 75 years and over we also offer a senior health check.
- We can offer dietary advice and weight management.
- Smoking Cessation clinics are also available within the surgery.
- We have a blood pressure machine at each site within the waiting room for patients to use.
- Our nurses and healthcare assistants are able to offer wound management and suture removal.

Diabetic Clinic
With the help of Dr Mahmud we have developed a structured team of clinicians who treat our patients as they are treated in the hospitals. This means that newer medicines which were only used or initiated in the hospital by consultants in Diabetes in the past are now used in our surgery by our clinicians. In the past there were difficulties with using Insulin in some patients and now there are suitable alternatives in the right context for some patients which we can apply.
We are fortunate in being recognised by our peers in other practices locally in being able to offer this service.

Asthma Clinic
Regular monitoring of asthmatics is recommended and you are advised to make an appointment at the clinic.

BP Management Clinic
This clinic is designed to support those patients, whose blood pressure is poorly controlled, providing comprehensive screening, advice and relevant medication.

Minor Surgery
Minor surgery procedures, including skin wart and lump removal, can be carried out at Hockley where necessary under local anaesthetic. This has led to early detection of skin cancer and those complex non-cancer skin conditions which, if left untreated for long, would cause continuing nuisance. We have been complimented by the specialists for this. The process of booking is short and straightforward.

Heart Disease Clinic
One of our patients thoughtfully donated an expensive machine called "R test" Novocor 4 machine to us. This has allowed our GP Cardiologist Dr Mahmud to develop a free service to our patients. He has trained our nurses to apply this machine on our patients suspected with hidden heart disease causing irregular beats. Our GP specialist sees the patient, assesses them through examination, blood tests, ECG and other means and when necessary instructs the nurse to commence the R test. The readings are usually collected over 24 hours but this updated machine can check results for up to a month if needed. The results are then sent to Southend Hospital for analysis. This is free for our patients - thanks to the generosity of the patient who anonymously donated this to us.

Joint Injections
Injections are now routinely given for shoulder, elbow, wrist and knee conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome, painful heel conditions and inflammatory conditions of the palm and so on.
We also have an MSK specialist. This is a new role at the practice to cater for all joint and muscle pain (neck, shoulder, back, knee, ankle etc.) Please book directly into this clinic with reception if you are over 16.

Cervical Screening
Cervical screening is available for women aged 24 1/2 to 65 years
Patients will receive a letter advising them that their cervical smear test is due and they should book an appointment with the practice nurse.
Results will be available approximately 7-10 working days after the screening has been carried out. If you have not received your results by this time please contact the surgery.

Sexual Health
We are able to provide full and confidential advice on contraception, menopause and sexual health screening.
The service includes but is not limited to:
- Contraceptive injections (Depo Provera)
- Mirena Coil checks and removals
- Contraceptive Pill advice
- Chlamydia Testing
If we are unable to offer a service which you require you can call the Essex Sexual Health Service number on 0300 003 1212 and they will tell you the closest clinic to that offers the service you require and book you an appointment.

Childhood Immunisations
Children's immunisations are performed by the nurse under the NHS Child Health Surveillance. Normally parents are sent appointments by the Health Authority when the children are due for immunisation. However, if such an appointment is not forthcoming, parents can telephone the surgery to make their own appointment. Parents are welcome to speak to the practice nurses if they have any concerns regarding any of the recommended immunisations.
The current recommended immunisation schedule can be found by clicking here.
Other available clinics
We also offer covid pillar appointments (if you have had covid and need any follow up care), wound care, travel vaccines and phlebotomy clinics.